“I don’t think I’ve met many geniuses in my lifetime… but he was definitely one of them.”
Mark McKinney
Kids In The Hall

Keith Johnstone teaches
Available in Physical (DVD) or streaming formats
DVD - Running time 105 minutes
Subtitled in Spanish - Portugese - French - Japanese - Dutch
In the DVD ‘Impro: transformations’, Keith Johnstone teaches status transactions, storytelling, spontaneity and more, most of which was filmed at the 2008 Keith Johnstone Summer School in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Keith Johnstone, the internationally recognized authority in the field of improvisation, has developed exercises for actors that both deconstruct human interaction and at the same time help to remove obstacles that block intuitive behaviour. His theatrical formats for Impro include TheatresportsTM, Maestro ImproTM, Gorilla TheatreTM, and The Life Game©. He is author of the improvisation classics ‘Impro: Improvisation and the Theatre’ (1979, Methuen Publishing) and Impro for storytellers (1998, Faber and Faber Limited) which are in print in many languages. He was Associate Director of London’s Royal Court Theatre. He taught acting and improvisation at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA) for years (without being fired!). He was a fellow of the University of Calgary Humanities Institute and is a Professor Emeritus of that University.
Available in Physical format (DVD)
Are you a representative from a library, school or university and do you want to use the DVD for lending or educational purposes? Please order the library and educational edition of Impro: transformations. It includes World Wide Library Use, lending to individuals for personal, home use and includes Public Performance Copyright for classroom and institutional use for one school or university only.
Available in Streaming formats.
DVD - Running time 64 minutes
Keith Johnstone is the inventor of many improvisation games and 'forms'. He's spent his life as a teacher of acting and of improvisation - often in leading Drama Schools. He is a playwright and director. His books Impro and Impro for Storytellers are in print in many languages. He was an Associate Director of Britain's Royal Court Theatre, and is currently a Professor Emeritus at the University of Calgary and a fellow of its Humanities Institute.
Keith Johnstone is joined by Steve Jarand in this unique teaching video.
Steve has been doing improvisation for 20 years at Loose Moose Theatre in Calgary. He performs children's nature theatre in schools, zoos and in Canada's mountain parks. He travels extensively looking for new cultural experiences and attending meditation retreats. Steve began working with masks in 1997, established the Loose Moose Mask Group and has been collaborating and teaching mask with Keith Johnstone in Canada and in Europe.
Available as Physical (DVD) only
This edition comes with exhibition rights for teaching and classroom use.
Trance Masks is a unique look at the theory of mask acting according to Keith Johnstone, world renowned improvisation expert. This DVD documents Johnstone teaching the technique that relates to and is the inspiration for his theories on acting and improvisation for the theatre. FREE SHIPPING!