Books & Essays by Keith Johnstone
“Many people find my adult plays disturbing but isn’t the whole universe disturbing? Anyway, be warned. And I apologise for not being about to write more comfortable plays. Here are extracts from a few of the ones I like.”
~ Keith Johnstone
Moby Dick
I Want to Get Into You
Additional plays and other writings are available through Keith Johnstone Workshops Inc. and/or in the Keith Johnstone Papers at Stanford University Archives. If you are interested in acquiring and/or producing a Keith Johnstone play or publishing literary content (including artwork) created by Keith, please contact Keith's literary executor.
Click on the book covers in the gallery for more information.
(English) Impro for Storytellers©1998, Faber and Faber Limited, London ISBN 0-571-19099-5
IMPRO: Improvisation and the Theatre©1979, Methuen Publishing, London ISBN 0-413-46430-X
(English) The Last Bird. Stories & Plays © 2012, Alexander Verlag, Berlin ISBN 978-3-89581-270-5
(English) OUT OF PRINT Don’t Be Prepared: Theatresports™ For Teachers © 1994 ISBN 0-9698382-0-4
(Japanese) インプロ― キース ジョンストン (著), Keith Johnstone (原著) ©2012 而立書房 ISBN 488-05-93613
(French) Impro, improvisation & théâtre ©2013 IPANEMA -SAS ISBN 978-23-64780-55-2
(Italian) Impro, Teoria e tecnica dell’improvvisazione. Dall’invenzione scenica a quella drammaturgica. Dino Audino Editore S.r.l. ISBN 978-88-7527-158-9
(Polish) Impro spontaniczne kreowanie świataPaństwowa Wyższa Szkoła Teatralna im. Ludwika Solskiego w Krakowie ISBN 978-83-63287-04-7
(Danish) IMPRO: Improvisation og teater©1987, Hans Reitzels Forlag, Denmark ISBN 87-412-3907-5
(Danish) Improvisation og Teatersport ©1997, Forlaget DRAMA, Gråsten ISBN 87-7865-061-5
(Dutch) IMPRO: improvisatie en theater ©1990, International Theatre and Film Books, Amsterdam ISBN 90-6403-206-8
(Korean) IMPRO: Improvisation and the Theatre©2000, Chilho Publishing, Seoul ISBN 89-86270-43-9
(Spanish) IMPRO: Improvisacion y el Teatro ©1990, Editorial Cuatro Vientos, Santiago ISBN 84-89333-34-3
(German) Improvisation Und Theater©1993, Alexander Verlag, Berlin ISBN 3-923854-67-6